Hormones can be the key to unleashing male drive
Hormones can be the key to unleashing male drive

Many think testosterone is the only male hormone. Nothing could be further from the truth.

When it comes to male hormones, testosterone often takes the spotlight as the ultimate symbol of masculinity, but it's just one piece of the puzzle. Understanding the power of all male hormones helps us embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

How Aging and Toxicity Affect Your Inner Beast

Aging may be a key player, but it's not the sole villain behind diminishing manly hormones. Toxicity lurks in the shadows, silently sabotaging your testosterone levels. Toxins are everywhere—creeping into your male refuge like your man cave, or even your prized garage.

From household chemicals to skin care products, plastic containers to processed foods, and even those seemingly harmless medications, these culprits disrupt your hormonal harmony.

Using quick-fix pills, steroids, or flashy supplement stacks to conceal male hormone issues is not the optimal approach. Masking the problem won't lead to a solution. Instead, we start by comprehending our hormone levels, equipping ourselves with knowledge about what's happening within our own bodies. Only then can we create a personalized battle plan based on our individual hormone test results.

Visualize the male athlete, diligently juggling supplements and powders, devouring brown rice, steamed broccoli, and dry chicken breast, sweating it out in the iron den, yet finding his gains elusive. Or the seasoned office dweller in his late 30s or early 40s, stuck in a rut, succumbing to subpar food choices, and suddenly plagued by stubborn gut and unwelcome man-boobs, with his once-fiery libido now flickering. 

Hold on for a second.  Poor results are not just the food and the lack of working out, or, in the case of the athlete, the wrong supplement cocktail or a bad choice in a carb-heavy protein shake. These things may certainly contribute to their lackluster results, but it will be their hormone levels that are more likely at the root of their persistent, long-term struggles.

Understand this: lackluster results aren't merely a consequence of your meals or workouts. Yes, they may contribute to the struggle, but the true culprit may reside within your hormone system.

Hormones, the driving force within, shape your appearance, charisma, motivation, and passion. They hold the key to unlocking your true potential, unleashing your innate power with strategic intent and thoughtful awareness.

What are the Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance in Men? 

Hormones play a vital role in men's overall well-being, beyond just testosterone. While testosterone (T) receives significant attention, it's essential to recognize the influence of other key male hormones, including estradiol (E2), cortisol (CORT, C1), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S), sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), and prostate-specific antigen (PSA).

When these hormones are imbalanced, men may experience a range of symptoms. Hormones drive our ambitions and desires, so any imbalance can affect our emotions. Factors like unhealthy relationships or a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to hormonal imbalance. Symptoms may include mood swings, lethargy, bloating, sensitivity to cold, low libido, and difficulties in building muscle mass.

Around ages 38-42, most men undergo a significant decline in testosterone production, known as andropause. Because andropause is not as well-studied as menopause in women, men are often challenged understanding the changes they go through. During this phase, men may exhibit atypical behavior in an attempt to recapture their youth.

By harnessing the potential of testosterone and embracing its benefits, we unlock resilience, drive, and determination. We become architects of our own destinies, creating fulfilling lives that positively impact others.

ZRT Male Blood Spot Profile IIZRT Male Blood Spot Profile II

Discover the power of the ZRT Male Blood Spot Profile II, a comprehensive panel designed to evaluate male hormones. This profile provides valuable insights to healthcare practitioners and health-conscious individuals, empowering them to assess various aspects of their health and vitality.

With the ZRT Male Blood Spot Profile II, you can take control of your health. This panel allows healthcare practitioners to analyze your hormone levels and provides knowledge and insights to informed health advocates who are passionate about their well-being.

You gain access to a comprehensive set of 12 hormone and protein marker tests. These tests are conducted using a dried blood spot sample, making it a convenient and user-friendly at-home hormone test kit.

This all-in-one panel thoroughly evaluates hormone imbalances by assessing adrenal and reproductive hormone levels, along with a complete thyroid panel. Take charge of your health and make informed decisions based on the valuable insights gained from this comprehensive hormone assessment.

Looking for a Health Coach?

Have questions on interpreting the results of this test?  If you aren’t already working with a practitioner, have a look at our Health Care Coaches page for additional information and resources.


Your Hormone Management Testing Plan

  • Step 1:  Start by selecting and ordering your desired test(s). You will receive an at-home testing kit that fits your unique concerns and needs. No prescription or visit to the doctor’s office is required. Your test kit is delivered directly to your front door.

  • Step 2:  Take the test to establish the starting hormone baseline at the beginning of your plan.  Consider developing your plan alongside:
    • a licensed health care provider for medical conditions, especially for severe "out of normal range" results
    • or a Health Care Coach for nutrition and supplements that will support your desired results

  • Step 3:  Develop a plan based on your hormone test results, establishing a one-year or more outlook.
    • Keep logs of your intakes, and daily routines related to your hormone test results.

  • Step 4:  After 6-12 months of actively working on your plan, take the same test again to determine your progress.

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

From all of us at the Canary Club,
Here’s to knowing ourselves and taking positive action!

Male Hormone Imbalance Symptoms Self-Assessment Questionnaire

  • I have decreased sex drive (libido)
  • I notice a decrease in my ability to play sports
  • I am sadder and/or more grumpy than usual
  • I notice a lack of energy
  • Decrease in ability/frequency to perform sexually
  • Joint pain and muscular aches
  • Excessive sweating
    • Unexpected/sudden episodes of sweating, hot flashes independent of strain
  • Physical exhaustion/lacking vitality 
    • A general decrease in performance, reduced activity, lacking interest in leisure activities, a feeling of getting less done, of achieving less; of having to force oneself to undertake activities
  • Feeling burnt out, having hit rock-bottom
  • I feel like I am losing height
  • I feel like I have passed my peak
  • I fall asleep after dinner
  • A decline in my feeling of general well-being
  • Irritability
    • Feeling aggressive, easily upset about little things, moody
  • Nervousness, inner tension, restlessness, feeling fidgety

Answering yes to many of the above questions is a strong indication your hormones are out of balance. 

Setting up a Health Balance Coach Fullscript for obtaining supplements at a discount

Do you buy supplements?  Act now and get an automatic 15% discount on over 20,000+ health products.

Canary Club has recently partnered with Health Balance Coach to offer you professional-grade supplements. 

To gain access to professional-grade supplements, create your account with Health Balance Coach (HBC) at Fullscript.